Breeding & Immunity Stuff Supplement For Chickens

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£14.95£29.95 available on subscription

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High potency liquid breeding and immunity supplement for addition to drinking water at a rate of only 2ml per litre.

SKU: AVI24091 Category:
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Introducing our new breeding and immunity supplement for chickens and poultry. This easy-to-use supplement can be conveniently added to your birds’ drinking water at a rate of only 2ml per litre. By providing your birds with essential vitamins and minerals, you’re helping them maintain optimal health and strengthen their immune systems.

Our liquid supplement is designed for quick absorption, ensuring that your birds receive the necessary nutrients efficiently. With Fetura-12 Poultry Breeding and Immunity Supplement, you can support healthy breeding and bolster your poultry’s immune system.

Vitamin E plays a crucial role in promoting bird health by enhancing various aspects such as egg production, fertility, sperm motility, and postnatal growth. Acting as a powerful antioxidant, it protects birds from damage caused by harmful free radicals. Vitamin B12, another essential nutrient, aids in the metabolism of protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Providing this nutrient to chicks can boost their development by increasing energy availability during the hatching process. L-carnitine, a key nutrient present in our supplement, contributes to fertility, egg production, metabolism, and protein synthesis. Additionally, it also facilitates chick growth and development.

Supplementing with Postbiotics promotes a healthy immune system in your birds by supporting digestion, maintaining microbial balance, and ensuring optimal stress response, all while providing a complete amino acid profile. By combining these beneficial nutrients, you can enhance the overall well-being of your poultry.

Our breeding and immunity supplement for chickens can be combined with our range of cage and aviary supplements to personalize your bird’s supplement regime. If you have any doubts or questions about choosing the right supplements, our knowledgeable team is here to assist you. We are dedicated to helping you provide the best care for your birds, ensuring their health and happiness.

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100ml, 250ml, 500ml


With No Measure or Pump, With 1 Measure Cup + 10p, With 1 Pump + ยฃ1

