Contact Info
If you need to contact us, you can find all our details on this page. No need to send out a Carrier Pigeon.
Unit 14 Newton Industrial Estate,
R/O 92-96 Bordesley Green,
West Midlands,
B9 4TS
Phone Number
0121 773 8877
E-mail Address
Working Days/Hours
Mon - Wed / 12:00PM - 6:00PM
Thu - Sun / 12:00PM - 7:00PM
Send Us a Message
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I modify an order?
JawsStaff2023-08-24T02:38:08+00:00Sure, you can modify, amend, or cancel your order by visiting the Your Account section of our website. If you need any assistance with this process, please don’t hesitate to contact us at We are always here to help you with any questions or concerns you may have.
How do I cancel an order?
JawsStaff2023-08-24T02:39:27+00:00If you would like to cancel your order, you can do so by contacting us at or through the Your Account section located at the top and bottom of any page.
Why is my order delayed?
JawsStaff2023-08-24T02:31:22+00:00Please note that orders may be delayed due to various reasons, such as weather conditions, excessive workload, or stock shortages. If you would like more information about the reason for any delay to your order, please contact us by email at In case of a shortage or production issue with an item, we will display the information on the product page if we are aware of the issue.
How do I get a refund?
JawsStaff2023-08-24T02:33:31+00:00Please note that refunds can only be processed once we have received the purchased items back. Please request a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) by emailing us at or through your account. The RMA request will provide you with options to request a refund or exchange, which is at our discretion to decide. To ensure a smooth refund process, please provide a clear reason for the refund/replacement request and proof of return. If requested, please also provide proof of fault.